Monday, June 27, 2011

林峯 ~ raymond lam @ summit usj

i was in summit usj ..... everyone is carrying big dslr camera... then i walk walk... i see him :)

its so different to see him in real... didn't know he's so good looking until that day... as u can see he just look ok ok in this photo.. same thing when u see him in tv.. but in real life he reali got abit charm :P

don't belive what i say?? haha i shoot a video.. u see how those fans react :P 

ps~still trying to edit the video :P

Friday, June 24, 2011

crocs warehouse sales

i think i might be able to get more stuff if i am not that "gan jiong" anyway here are some tips for u guys

  • before you go to the sales make sure you know your size, if you're buying for someone else get their size ready wit you... ( since the size is limited, maybe the last pair is gone after you call up and ask :P ) 

  • after choose the design, do ask the friendly staff  for the size you want, they will assist you to get it if its available.. and tell you straight away if its out of stock!! :D   

  • check both side of the shoe to make sure its in a pair (don't end up getting two of left or right side home :P)

  • remember to check the size as well, make sure its same size for both leg

  • make sure you double confirm the price before you pay, sometimes the stocks is not at the right place 

  • credit card - for payment rm60 and above ( if not mistaken )  

  • don't worry if u reali brought ur big bag.. they'll still let u in after the security check 
        as usual small bag they put it into plastic bag n tie it up
        big bag they tie up the zip area :P

happy shopping!!!

i took a few photo and i hope the picture below can help abit la... oh ya!! as for the banner, i'm not sure the price shown is accurate cuz i pick a few shoe under the rm30 range but when i ask the price again, they told me its rm50.... anyway, im not reali familiar with crocs stuffs so its better for you guys to check price with the sales assistant after you choose...

* size available for woman's shoe is very limited :( they only have alot of size 4 and some very big size like         9 and above for most of the design n colours that i like.. sob sob.. no luck for this round...

mens / unisex area have alot of shoe i think the chances for getting a pair is higher than woman's and kids but if you have small foot.... er......

ps. i think i am not lucky enough to have chance to even get to see rm30 shoe for size 10-11 girl design, i move to higher price yet the choices + colour available is limited 

  •  i end up buying one size 10-11 mary jane and it cost me rm50 *not rm30 as shown in the banner above...

  •   remember the hello kitty crocs?? they have it in this sales hello kitty fans do look for it.. i saw the white one

jibbits 6pcs for rm10 ~ only 12 star wars design already divided to 2 set ( either take set 1 or set 2 )

i didn't snap photo for the kids stuff and mens/unisex area (by the time i tot of taking photo i'm already at the cashier area.. and im in rush for an appointment so i just take from where i stand....sorry!!)

er.. beside crocs shoe im sure they hv winx product ~ stationaries (mouse pad rm5, pencils rm5 for 6, fancy pencil rm2 each, files ) + clothings + bags +  shoe (not much)
sikit sikit babygear + boys shirt + jeans

ok la its late now.. im sleepy & tired dy gotta sleep :) good nite everyone :P

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

mc donald promo!! 买一送一 麦当捞 NUGGET rm6.45++ 12块

Lovin' Mid Month Special BUY 1 FREE 1 ala carte Chicken McNuggets starts today! 
click on the coupon below and it print out  for redemption
 Don't miss out on this special promotion. Offer available on 21 June to 22 June 2011 only. Valid in Malaysia and it's one redemption per customer per transaction from 11am – 12 midnight while stocks last.
friendly reminder !! 
  • strictly one coupon per customer per transaction only (i've seen some family bring a few coupon but mc d rejected their claim)
  • valid for dine in + drive thru purchase only = not for delivery 
i'll keep posting their mid month promo from time to time!!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


 今次我们要纠正的字是 的分别和用法 


  • = 协助
  • = 一样,一起

在KL生活了这么多年,我还是忍受不了这个语言弊病。。。 很多人都常常把这两个字调转来用。

  • 请问你可以 一起拍照吗?
如果是我,虽然不明白为什么他会用“请问你可以 一起拍照吗?” 去请我他,但是,我还是认为这个人是想要我 他拍照。。。 
奇怪的是。。当我上前去拿相机的时候。。他不给我而把相机给别人。。。你不是要我 你拍照吗?照相机不给我我怎样拍呢??搞了老半天才知道原来。。对他来说 就是 。。。。 (-。-’)
如果你想跟某某人一块而照相。。。 正确的广东话讲法应该是 :-

  • 请问你可唔可以 一齐 影张相啊?? 

记住!!! 是 我 而不是 我 。


  • 你讲啊,你再这样我就对你不客气啦!
如果是香港人听到,一定不明白为什么你要他讲话 ,难道他自己不会讲吗??
记得!! 正确的讲法应该是:-

  • 你讲,你再甘样我就对你唔客气!!

大家要紧记,的分别和用法..ok!!! :)

ayam penyet ria summit ~ 我喜欢既 炸鸡口味

 讲到炸鸡,呢期我既第一挚爱就一定係呢间印尼快餐喇。成日吃“白头伯伯” 都食到我厌晒啦。。
价格方面每套大概 rm8-9 左右。所以如果大家都同我一样,想食吓D新口味炸鸡既话。。不妨一试。。

* 我平时係去summit打包既就正正係麦当当隔离啫好易搵既啫。。如果冇记错。。sunway pyramid 都有分行。。

this restaurant located at lower ground floor in the summit subang usj (beside mc donald). ayam penyet ria is an indonesian restaurant serving a few indonesian local favourites.

they hv choices from chicken, cat fish, beef and also tempe under their penyet range. besides that they also serve bakso & soto ayam... errr i think there's more choices but i dun remember cuz each n everytime i visit this restaurant i'll only order thier ayam penyet (smashed chicken) set + rice + soup only :P

the ayam penyet is basically a fried chicken.. but it taste so different from the rest which makes me return to this restaurant each n everytime i crave for that taste  :P all sets r served with some kangkung, cabbage, cucumber slice, deep fried tempe & beancurd ..oh ya!!! not to forget the belacan chili relish.. it makes a perfect combination for the set..

normally it only cost around rm30-40 ringgit for a family of 3 to have a very satisfying meal there. a set of ayam penyet cost around rm8 add on soup would be rm2 per bowl.. :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

sri kulai shao mai with chicken soup ~ i found instant but nice halal dim sum!!!!! 我的叮叮晚餐

今晚没胃口。。。就只吃简单又方便的快熟点心好了。。虽然是快餐,但是味道还满好的哦!一盒有六粒halal烧卖,味道跟平常的烧卖没什么两样。。我个人认为,这个还比那些车子和kopi店里卖的烧卖来得好吃。。要一提的是,盒子里还有很多鸡汤汁的呢。。。 :)

做发很简单 : 从冰箱拿出烧卖不用解冻 :) 把只析开,放进微波炉里叮4分钟就可以吃啦!
除了烧卖之外sri kulai 还有很多不同种类的叮叮食品有马来餐,西餐,点心。。 任君选择。

around rm 6.30 after 10% discount

this is my dinner for tonite :) sri kulai microwaveable shao mai with chicken soup.. it taste good ♥ and its in fact taste much better than most of the shao mai sold in coffee shop. i'm a fans of sri kulai food since 2 years ago.. normally i buy supply from jusco, but this time i got em from jaya one. didn't noe they hv a whole shop selling all varieties of sri kulai microwaveable food. i'll definitely return there if i wanna stock up again.

ps. super easy preparation which bring another plus point to this food.. i just hv to take out fr fridge n heat it up in microwave for 4 minutes.. tadaaa!!! food is ready.

~corona limited edition bucket~ 买6支CORONA~送特别限量版“铁桶”

rm 65.99

spotted FREE wall's fruitaire @ taipan

炎炎夏日之际 wall's fruitaire 系 subang taipan 派街坊喔。。不知几好反应。。唔单只系路人。。连车里面既人都可以拿。。。人人有份永不落空 :) 你看!每个都笑笑口的。。想起都开心。


♥ 免费 (所以唔知道售价)
♥♥ 有浓郁既奇异果味道,仲有D果核掭, 好有饮果汁既 feel

 ps. 我个人意见。。觉得呢个活动搞得几好。至少有好多人试吃过同知道有呢个产品既存在先啦!!


从来都不知道。。 写部落格都可以花上两小时。。 题材是一大队的。。 但是,要拍照又要编辑得美美的才可以上载真的很吃时间。。。说今晚就好了,原本还打算写几个部落的。。谁知道,弄好一个罢了,就累到。。beh tahan 了。。 部落格只写好一个。。可是, 眼看有一大堆家务都还没做好呢。。 :(

安慰自己: ‘没关系,明天才做吧。累就先去睡吧’。

明天的 to do list
  1. sleep
  2. watch tv 
  3. 逛街。。。 ♥ 
救命啊!!! 为什么??  我竟然被魔鬼操控了。。。 我应该是时候去睡觉了。。

my beauty diary ~ '甜蜜午茶迷你组' ~ 'sweet tea time mini set'

呢set组合系 ‘我的美麗日記’ 首次有面膜以外既產品。 我记得上个月尾我都一经系guardian见过呢盒野既喇。由于包装非常讨好所以就算当时系货架低都依然吸引都我。。几个礼拜后我终于忍唔住买左番屋企 :)
  • 香草泡泡去角質舒芙蕾  30ml
  • 草莓優格胺基酸潔顏乳  50ml
  • 伯爵紅茶馬卡龍面膜  1 片           
  • 松露巧克力面膜  1 片                   

as far as i know 'my beauty diary' only sell varieties of mask. this is the first few skincare they newly launch this year :)

ps. i buy this because of  the cute packaging :P  
  • strawberry yogurt amino acid cleanser  30ml
  • vanilla souffle face scrub  50ml
  • chocolate truffle mask  1pc
  • earl grey tea & macaron mask  1pc

take a look at this tvc... so so cute la 

 我的美麗日記 ~ 甜蜜午茶篇 tvc 

~ my beauty diary ~ sweet teatime tvc~


    Thursday, June 16, 2011

    guardian haul / guardian 买野

    few days ago i try to look for ongoing promotion around town and this guardian Splendid 44th Anniversary Celebration is one of the promo i wanna look see b4 it ends.. 

    after a light dinner in veneeze restaurant in jaya one i saw a guardian outlet!!!  i quickly run in to take a look. i din manage to check the promo nicely as my hubby is around

    i spend rm159.32 for all the stuffs in photo beside :) opps exclude the bag cuz it is a surprise free gift (i wanted to get one few months ago but i missed it) hehe was happy when i saw the cashier take it out for me.  breakdown of product are as below:-
    •  loreal shampoo + conditioner set rm22.88
    • hada labo retinol range lotion rm55.90
    • sweet teatime mini set rm39.88
    • guardian foam hand wash rm4.40
    • panadol actifast 16 rm 7.48
    • bd alchohol swabs 100pcs rm8.90
    • gatsby natural bleach & color (men) rm19.88
    can't wait to try the "sweet teatime mini set" :) 

    用rm159.32 买左 8 样野。。。 哦,系7样先岩。。个袋系送既。最特别就系 “我的美丽日记”既“甜蜜午茶迷你组”里面有4样野售价rm39.88。 : ) 听晚一定要试吓,事不宜迟。